Thursday, March 29, 2012

Iraqi Dinar Currency

The New Iraqi Dinar does not have Saddam Hussein’s face on it. The old Dinar Currency carried the image of the now dead former leader of Iraq, Saddam Hussein. In 2003 the former dictator was put out of our misery and Iraq began to establish the country and government they now have. To learn more about the current situation in Iraq, and the current speculation regarding their Dinar, I encourage you to log onto daily for new information.


  1. This was such a good article! I came across your post while I was reading up on this supposed Dinar Corp Scam, I'm happy I did because this was very interesting. Thank you for sharing this with us!

  2. Are you planning to buy dinar to safe your finances? When the solution is sure, then you must know Iraqi money is very cheap nowadays. Recently, against $1 USD, worth of dinar is 1,193. Various personal traders are grabbing this opportunity to purchase Iraqi dinar. It's been speculated that the investors will receive a handsome revenue after the Iraqi government gets to a stable condition and make considerable revenue in the oil reservoirs. Click here to know more about how can you iraqi dinar revaluation news
